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They sit shoulder-to-shoulder, sideways glances and smiles. Love, Victor’s third and final season dropped today on Hulu, and it picks up directly where Season Two left us - with Lucy and Lake, still champagne giggly the night of Mia’s dad’s wedding, now sneaking off into a neighbor’s For Sale house to finish their stolen bottle and tip their toes into the pool. It’s less than a breath, all sharp inhale and stomach butterflies, in the ways of the best classic teen romances, and suddenly Lake’s entire world has shifted on its axis. Love, Victor has been my early summer not-guilty pleasure (but also?) for the last three years - so imagine my DELIGHT when last summer’s Season Two cliffhanger ended with perpetual high school popular girl Lake sneaking champagne at her bestie’s dad’s wedding and making eyes with Lucy, cater waiter and ex-girlfriend of the school’s biggest jock, Andrew. This review of Love, Victor’s third season includes very light spoilers for Lake’s storyline with Lucy. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time.

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LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.

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